Debate Team: The Hornets
On the debate team students learn research, logic, organization of ideas, manipulation of language, assessment of audience, self-esteem and engagement in world events.
These skills not only build better students, but they also build stronger college candidates, better employees, and better citizens.
Debate team is offered as an elective to students in grades 6-8. Meetings are held during the school day and practice is twice a week as preparation for tournaments.
We work with the New York City Urban Debate League. Through this program, students will participate and compete in city tournaments.
After winning Top Team at the May 2022 MSQI tournament.
Our team wins 2nd place at the Spring 2018 District 14 Tournament.
Students preparing their arguments.
Meet the Teacher
Mr. Hodges
Mr. Hodges is our Debate Coach. Please Contact him for more information or if you would like to join the Team.